I am the Leader

I am a female founder. By putting my gender in front of what I am belittles what I’ve accomplished, and reminds women how few of us get to where I am. I’m ready to drop the gender and get right to the work I’m doing. Who’s with me?

True words have never been spoken. While, companies worldwide take the mantle on creating a gender balanced workforce, the time has come for more organizations to recognize the under-representation of women in leadership and to strengthen the female leadership pipeline.

Today’s business problems require leaders with diverse skill sets, perspectives, and experiences. Having more women at the top enables men and women to complement each other with their unique thought processes and present whatever is best for the given situation.

It is high time that both men and women realize that they exhibit different competencies and mindsets, and both are essential to effectively manage business situations. There is no need to compete and try to be better than the other as it would be a futile way to understand oneself as well as the opposite gender. My perspective of some fantastic Qualities of Leaders in general Ability to think Long-term.

  • Seeing the big picture.
  • Sensitive to people and life around them Reality Orientation.
  • Care and Compassion Patience and Perseverance Focus and dedication.
  • Assertive decisions Aesthetics & Vibrancy Commitment to Success.

‘Shakthi’ typically denotes the positive life energy that propels Victory, Prosperity and Wellbeing wherever it prevails!

‘Feminine’ is the embodiment of ‘Shakthi’ and these qualities are generally prevalent in Women!

The ‘Feminine’ is prevalent in men too! Just that it remains untapped in many cases! Nurturing the ‘Feminine’ within oneself is a sure way to happiness, Joy, growth, and fortune! Its about time that both men and women realize this!

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