Competency Development - Chaitanya

Competency Design

A competency framework defines the knowledge, skills and attributes required for a person to be successful in his role. However, a really impactful competency design links performance goals to the competencies required for the role. This means that for each goal that you want the employee to achieve, you must be able to define what are the specific competencies that will ensure success for the employee performing the role. BuildHr aims to create the perfect competency design for your organization by:

  • Defining each role clearly.
  • Identifying the Key Result Areas (KRA’s) for the role-holder.
  • Collect data on successful work behaviour from successful people holding/held those respective job positions.
  • Collect and synthesize data through expert panel meetings.
  • Perform content analysis and mapping competencies.

Competency Mapping and Assessment

An accurate assessment of competencies helps in identifying what would enable the employee to perform better. Appropriate use of competency assessment results in enhancing the delivery capability of the organization and ultimately business performance.

BuildHr proposes that competencies can be deployed at three levels– Self, Role and Organization. Different methods are used to assess competencies accurately based on the job description provided by the organization. We use psychometric tests, peer assessments and behavioural interviews.

  • At the individual level, we assess the inherent competencies that the employee brings with him.
  • At the level of Role, we assess the interpersonal interaction patterns and deployment of skill required for the role.
  • At the level of organization, the demands of the external environment, internal values and culture determine the nature of competencies required.

Competency Development

A Competency is an inherent ability that helps people be successful in their jobs. It is a specific combination of practical and theoretical knowledge, cognitive skills, behavior and values that enables a person to perform a specific role efficiently. Competency includes technical and behavioral competencies required for every Job position. At BuildHr we use asystematic approach to identification of competency gaps and development of improvement plan. Our approach to development includes :

  • Assessment of Behavioural competencies using specific Psychometric tools.
  • Facilitation of technical competency gap analysis.
  • Individual Development Plan (IDP) for Key job holders.
  • Individual Counselling based on the IDP.

World of Work– Induction Program

The program will feed in specific training which will facilitate the young employee to understand the basic requirement in the ‘World of Work’. It is about keeping a job and getting ahead. The years ahead are projected to be a time of market opportunity and challenge for most employees. BuildHr are pioneers in building and implementing induction training programs in “World of Work”. We ideally work on the following:

  • Personal Skills
  • Critical Job Skills
  • Basic Skills
  • Group Skills
  • Work Habits

Our training services include:

  • Design organization specific training systems
  • Facilitation of entire training systems implementation - Total outsourcing
  • Customized development of training and induction modules
  • Conduct of specific training modules
  • Development Center and Leadership Development Programs

Path Finder - Programs for College Students

Choosing a career is an exciting process of self– discovery. It draws you out into the world to explore careers, and sets your path with decisions that will result in insight, growth, and reward.

The adventure does not end when a career is chosen– the career is always a work in progress and continues to change as the adventure grows and changes.

The most important resource in any career adventure is the Student– the person who explores new vistas and makes the career choice. The Path Finder– A guide to Personal assessment, Career Exploration, and Decision Making, is designed to actively engage the students in planning their own careers. The exercises and activities makes the students interact and encourages considering thoughtfully each steps that they take in their life, build confidence as they see their decisions yield results. Our approach to this includes

Part I, Self–Assessment: Learning about yourself, focuses on self– knowledge and discovery. Students explore career dreams, motivations, values, life stages, abilities and skills, personality, and interests. Examining these areas begins the process of discernment that is critical to making a meaningful career choice.

Part II, Career Exploration: Learning About the World of Work guides the students through the career market and trends and investigates job markets, importance of networking and decision making, accompanied by practical exercises, helps students to set goals and then formulate plans and develop skills to achieve those goals.

Part III, The Job Campaign: Organizing your search, looks at the job search, examining the details of resume writing, interviewing and marketing skills, and how to gain hands–on experience through internships and volunteering work, The student will have an immediate opportunity to apply new skills when working through the exercises. Even students who do not plan to enter the fulltime job market immediately will benefit greatly from this phase.

Path Finder will take a fresh look at career planning and the influence of information technology on the process and landscape of career development.

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