HR Services - Maanush

Organization Assessment Services

An organization assessment is a systematic procedure of acquiring information about the performance of an organization and the factors that affect their performance. It helps the organization to move in a strategic direction, improve operational efficiency and deliver world class levels of performance, while improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The organization assessment services that BuildHr offers, helps you to recognize the gaps and limitations that affects your business results. We conduct deep rooted inquiry into the key business drivers that form the pillars of your organization and offer insights that contribute to making well informed decisions to drive business performance.

BuildHr conducts in-depth review and analysis of the following critical business drivers:

  • Leadership
  • People and teams
  • Customer service
  • Process excellence
  • Quality systems
  • Continuous improvement
  • Safety

At the end of the assessment you receive a report on gap analysis and roadblocks in performance enablers, list of focus areas and improvement recommendations.

Organization Visioning

A Vision is a picture of the future we seek to create. A statement of “our vision” shows where we want to go, and what we will be like when we get there. Because of its tangible and immediate quality, a vision gives shape and direction to the organization’s future.

A Mission Statement defines the organization’s purpose. It tells why the organization exists. It resonates with employees and focuses energy and shapes organization culture and values.

BuildHr Consultants work with the top management team both individually and collectively and enable them to evolve:

  • Purpose: Why the company exists and the core mission of the company
  • Vision: The position or status the company wishes to achieve in a reasonable time frame
  • Milestones: The various quantifiable milestones to be achieved in order to reach the vision
  • Core Values: The guiding principles that dictate what you stand for as an organization
  • Leadership Requirements: The way the leaders need to think and act on a day to day basis with themselves and with the team

Organization Structuring

This is the foundational exercise that would enable effective execution of business plan and achievement of organization goals. Organization structure determines how the roles, power and responsibilities are assigned, controlled, and coordinated, and how information flows between the different levels of management. The objectives and strategy plays a key role in organization structuring.

BuildHr understands the importance and the effects of a good organization structure, the minor upgrades that can do wonders for a company. Our team of experts work very closely with our client and will:

  • Study in detail the business processes and business plan
  • Study current structure and identify gaps if any
  • Modify the existing structure keeping in mind
  • Business plan and goals for the current year and business forecast for the next 3 years
  • Business Processes, interfaces and interrelations between various processes

Job Description Manual

Job Descriptions are critical for any organization as they have an impact on Recruitment and Selection, Performance Management, Training and Development, Career and Succession Planning.

Job description manual will define every job position in the organization structure and describe Job Title and Reporting Relationships, Purpose of the Job, Job Specification, Competency requirements, Job roles and responsibilities.

BuildHr has a team of masters in job Description Manual who come with a phenomenal experience across varied industries. Tested and approved method is followed for each organization according to their specific needs.

HR Policies and Procedures

HR Policies and procedures play an important role in sustaining employee morale and motivation levels and there by facilitate in better outputs and manifestation of their potential. The existing HR policies would be studied and fine-tuned to suit the requirements of the organization and support in enhancing employee satisfaction and performance. New policies will be written where required. Our approach to this includes:

  • Studying any existing policies, and interaction with relevant personnel and Top Management to understand organizational requirements.
  • The effectiveness of the HR policies will be well identified during the diagnostic study itself, which will also enable us to understand the expectations from both sides. – individuals as well as the organization.

Performance Management System

Performance Management System is the process and method of continuously identifying, assessment and developing performance in organizations by linking each individual’s performance and objectives to the organization’s overall mission and goals. It not only involves appraisal which is once-in-a-year event, but also includes information on who should be trained and in what areas, which employees should be rewarded, and what types of skills are lacking at the organization or unit level. Therefore performance management also provides information on the types of employee who should be hired.

After thoroughly defining and understanding the Purpose & Vision of the organization, BuildHr will:

  • Facilitate strategies and goals for the year and next 3 years in line with the company’s vision.
  • Deploy goals at functional, departmental and individual levels by using specific tools like Policy Deployment Matrix, Balanced score card etc.
  • Establish metrics and the measuring systems and support in developing performance tracking systems.
  • Design incentive and variable pay schemes to attract and retain talent.
  • Facilitate appraisal meetings and performance feedback.
  • Provide report on employee potential and performance by using Performance Grid.

Compensation and Rewards

In a competitive business environment attracting and retaining quality talent is primary concern. Most often than not, employees are lost in competition for better salary reason. Understanding market trends, practices and conditions on salary structures ensures better pay decisions.

The Compensation & Rewards services by BuildHr empower you with knowledge of what similar organizations are paying for a particular job or job class in the industry. Our detailed analysis and well researched insights enable you to make well informed decisions and have an advantage over your competitors.

Our service is headed by specialists who come with real time experience and ensure accuracy and quality of the highest standards. Our goal is to provide a means for comparison of salaries, benefits, non-monitory rewards and recommend corrective measures in area of potential risk.

We conduct a comprehensive study that covers:

  • Base salary Study
  • CTC structures
  • Cash and non-cash benefits
  • Statutory / Deferred benefits
  • Industry Best practices etc

We specialize in various industries across pan India and we provide a baseline to measure and improve your compensation model. At the end of the survey you receive a report on the key finding of the survey, a list on gaps, potential risks and focus areas and a list of recommendations.

Career/ Succession Planning

Organizations need to plan for succession at all levels. In doing this, they create avenues for career growth for their employees. Career and succession planning are linked interventions that help to determine the path of growth for each employee in an organization. We help the organization do the right succession planning by:

  • Identifying the demands of the present role as well as the future possibilities.
  • Assessing the competencies of the employees aspiring for the role.
  • Identifying who will fit the role and the gaps that are required to be filled through training or other interventions.
  • Creating a development plan for the individual to grow into the role.

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